A new project of collecting informations and instrument making.

Um novo projeto de pesquisa e levantamento de informações sobre o Baryton da Gamba (Gambarítono). Em português, inicialmente.
Várias postagens ainda estão em fase de construção.

A new project of collecting informations and instrument making. In Portuguese.
The posts are still under construction.

terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011

As 10 principais obras de pesquisa acadêmica sobre o Baryton

De novo, aproveitando a pesquisa de Rod Byatt do blog Viola da Gamba Weblog, as 10 principais obras de pesquisa acadêmica sobre o Baryton, e de quebra um comentário importante:

A Top 11 [?] pieces of academic research, in alphabetical order:

Fruchtman, The Baryton: its History and its Music Re-examined. Acta musicologica 34/1-2, Jan-Jun 1962: 2-17

Gartrell, Carol A. Towards an Inventory of Antique Barytons. Galpin Society Journal 56/June 2003: 116-131.

Gartrell, Carol A. The Origins and Development of the Baryton, Chelys 11 (1982): 4.

Pamplin, Terence M. The Influence of the Bandora on the Origin of the Baroque Baryton. Galpin Society Journal 53 Apr 2000: 221-232.

Sadie, Stanley 18th-Century String Music. Musical Times 108/1492 Jun 1967: 541.

Sisman, Elaine R. Tradition and Transformation in the Alternating Variations of Haydn and Beethoven. Acta musicologica 62/2-3 May-Dec 1990: 152-182.

Strunk, W. Oliver Haydn’s Divertimenti for Baryton, Viola, and Bass after Manuscripts in the Library of Congress. MQ 1932/18(2): 216-251.

Webster, James The Bass Part in Haydn’s Early String Quartets. MQ 1977 63/3: 390-424.

Winkler, Gerhard J. Joseph Haydn’s “Experimental Studio” in Esterhaza. MQ 1996 80/2: 341-347.

Wollenberg, Susan Haydn’s Baryton Trios and the ‘Gradus’. Music and Letters 1973, 54(2): 170-178.

Hope to pursue these over time, but in the meantime the first page of the Pamplin journal article confirms what I’ve noted from the music downloads: the baryton is surprisingly the top voice above the viola (even above the violin in Tomasini trios) and that the manual of plucked strings is only played in 76 of over 200 trios (not used by Tomasini at all). The lower manual is tuned to the tessitura of the upper 3 of the upper manual bass viol strings and not the lower three – hence the curiosity of a bass-tessitura instrument playing above the violin/viola!

Posted by rodbyatt

* * * * * * *

E para complementar, a "resenha" de Rod do livro de Carol Gartrell, publicada em seu blog após a lista acima:

Carol A Gartrell, A History of the Baryton and its Music

The first hundred or so pages are devoted to a history of the instrument, followed by thirty or so pages of black-and-white photos and text describing extant antique barytons, ending up with an inventory of sheet music, being a single example of compositions for baryton by composers other than Haydn.

The text provides answers to any question one is ever likely to ask about the history of the music and music composed for it. The inventory of instruments is of course superlative and the presence of ‘sheet music’ examples is a godsend. The book forms the cornerstone of any collection of material about the baryton, linking the fragments of information available online and from CD recordings.

Posted by rodbyatt (November 22, 2009)

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