(Imagem acima extraída da Wikipedia em finlandês, postada pelo próprio Markus Kuikka.)Markus Kuikka possui um baryton feito pelo luthier
Tilman Muthesius (Potsdam) em 2001 baseado no instrumento do luthier anônimo do séc. 18 que se encontra no Museu do Conservatório de Bruxelas, na Bélgica. Como "Baryton 'after Brussels' " também aparece em foto na Wikipedia francesa; tem 7 + 14 cordas — outro modelo com o mesmo número de cordas também tem a cabeça do sátiro "chifrudo" (ou Orfeu ou Diabo ou...).
The Finnish Barytontrio made its debut in Kuopio (Finland) in 2002. Ever since the trio has given concerts and made recordings for example to Finnish Broadcasting Company with Haydn’s barytontrios. The first cd-recording of the trio
"The Private Pleasure of Prince Esterházy" will be published in 2009. The members of the trio are
Markus Kuikka (baryton),
Markus Sarantola (viola) and
Jussi Seppänen (cello).
Markus Kuikka is a cello and viola da gamba -player with special interest on
baryton and
arpeggione. Kuikka has played nearly 30 years as principal cello at Kuopio Symphony Orchestra. He has giving lessons at various institutes in Eastern Finland and founded both The BarokkiKuopio -festival of early music and the UntoConsort of Viols. Markus graduated on baryton and arpeggione from artistic doctor training program of Sibelius Academy and works today as a freelance artist-researcher based in Helsinki.
email: baryton(at)welho.com
Markus Kuikka graduated from Sibelius Academy with cello as major instrument, which he also studied at various masterclasses held for example Frans Helmerson and Marcel Bergman. Markus studied viol and baroque cello privately with Peeter Klaas and Timo Juntura and at masterclasses by Sarah Cunningham, Laurence Dreyfus, Wieland Kuijken and Jordi Savall. Among recent expeditions is lyraviol-repertoire which he studied at Sibelius Academy with Veli-Markus Tapio as well privately arpeggione and baryton with Alfred Lessing and Jeremy Brooker. Hitherto Markus has played nearly 30 years as principal cello at Kuopio Symphony Orchestra. He has giving lessons at various institutes in Eastern Finland and founded both The BarokkiKuopio -Festival of early music and the Untoconsort of Viols. Markus graduated on baryton and arpeggione from artistic doctor training program of Sibelius Academy and has gained many distinguished scholarships from various finnish foundations. Markus performs on a baryton made by
Tilman Muthesius (Potsdam) in 2001 after an instrument by an anonymous 18th-century maker located today at Brussels Conservatoire.
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Consegui na internet um livro de 123 páginas escrito por Kuikka sobre a história do baryton, mas em finlandês! E ainda dizem que ler alemão é difícil pra nós! Nesse livro existe uma lista dos barytons históricos, parece que levantada por Carol Gartrell. Essa lista abre novos horizontes para minha pesquisa, com nomes de luthiers e instituições onde eles se encontram. A pesquisa continua...[e ainda aguardo mais informações sobre este baryton do Kuikka em particular, pois no site do luthier (http://www.gamben.de/) não há fotos nem referências a barytons]
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